
By photosbylt

Not a hummingbird

I was waiting and watching, camera at the ready. I saw the movement out of the corner of my eye. I aim, I focus, I click... then I realize. This little cutie is drinking out of the ant moat (not sure if that's the real name).
Extras 1&2 are hummers. The two kept landing side by side. This one they appear to having a conversation between sips.
Extra 3 - fellow blipper Irish59 I think this squirrel is practicing for the next AOG games!
Extra 4 - I can't hang out in the backyard without a few shots of Miya so picked this one to add.

Thanks to those who took a quick look at my many days of back blips. I am feeling so much better today, so hoping to be 100% soon. My hubby asked me to get a COVID test tomorrow just to be sure. His office has had many exposures of late so various departments working from home. He is wishing they would mandate vaccines, no luck there yet. 
I am working on catching up on journals as I really enjoy the photos and stories. Hope all are healthy and safe.

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