It looked grey, but then looked like it was brightening up. I had so much washing I ran out of space to hang it out. I then eventually psyched myself to go out for a run. It was humid, very humid and then the sun broke through and the heat was intense. I was a hot sweaty mess when I got home, 5.5 miles later. We had a late breakfast of Bostock croissants. They are massive. I got three for two late yesterday in north Berwick, so I had the free one – as I don’t usually have one. The boys love them, while I recognise they are very good, they are not my favourite thing.
It was then back to chores inside for me and outside chores for TT.
At some point a friend sent me a photo of BB’s primary one class, which she had just come across. So sweet – they were very cute – ten years ago and we did lots of reminiscing. Now they are towering teens, who grunt and grumble a lot.
By the middle of the afternoon TT had had enough of his hedge removal project – it’s a long term project – so we three headed along to John Muir Country Park and had a lovely walk in the sunshine. The tide was right in, so we had to stick to the paths rather than walk on the sand. The sun came out, but we could always see ominous clouds in the other direction.
Once home I was on tea – a paprika chicken casserole was conjured up and a rather nice (if I do say so myself!) chocolate orange cake. TT was rather pleased that I used his home grown peppers and home grown garlic. Not sure what has happened to his home grown onions though. And we accompanied it with home grown green beans and home grown potatoes. There was nothing home grown in the cake. He’s not mastered oranges yet!!
This view is looking in the direction of the dark clouds.
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