Bernina Express

…follows an incredible route across Switzerland towards Italy. This is the train that we took to avoid a very steep section during our bike ride today. It was taken as we crossed the Landwasser viaduct and went into one of the 55 tunnels on the route. The longest tunnel is the Albula which was built in the early 1900s and we went through there on our second train ride today. A new tunnel is being built and will be ready in 2023. The journey is incredible as the train does loops as it heads up the mountain…very disorienting.

The bike ride (route 6, day 1) was amazing. 85km, 833m ascent and 2141m descent. Although it was meant to be a flat/downhill ride there was still a lot of climbing. We caught the train twice, avoiding some very steep sections. The scenery was varied…see extras….but our favourite section was the top of the Albula Pass.

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