A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Humming Along

On this overcast and noticeably cooler Sunday I feel like everything is humming along. Hurricane Henri made landfall in RI as a Tropical Storm early this afternoon. It’s currently humming along rather slowly through southern New England before it will hum its way across Maine. We’ll start feeling the effects tonight through the day tomorrow but no complaints because it could have been so much worse • The birds seemed a bit frenzied eating and foraging today, perhaps feeling the drop in barometric pressure. This little one hummed along too, happily slurping in the homemade nectar, until chased away by another, and another • MrsP has been humming through her Sunday too, keeping busy doing dishes, and cutting up last night’s dinner prep for compost, you know, vegetable skins and stems, plus this morning’s breakfast. I refer to her as our Compost Queen because she is quite knowledgeable about the process, and maintains two compost bins year around that we use to fortify our vegetable garden • I hope this finds you humming through your Sunday. I also hope all will be safe while Henri moves through the East Coast.

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