Another full day

Having had a restful night we were ready for breakfast by 9am and ready to hit the road by 10.

With a couple of hours to spare before meeting up with friends we went to Wimpole Hall Estate, a National Trust property,  which is only about 10 minutes drive from Barton. We have visited several times over the years and were surprised to find that the entrance to the estate has changed and they have extensive car parks and an admissions hall with super facilities. 

With the limited time available we planed just to visit the walled garden. It was lovely to see and reminded me of where I got my inspiration for garden planning. It wasn’t quite so well tended, but under the circumstances that’s not surprising. There were lots of families arriving as we left. Looks very popular.

Our next stop was the Orchard Tea room at Grantchester to meet up with my nursing friends, who I normally meet at regular intervals in London. Two had driven up from Southend and the other 3 from North London. It was their first visit, but a regular haunt for me when I lived in Essex. We had a lot of catching up to do and weren’t short on chat. I have known them for 30 plus years, but it’s the first time that they have met B. I normally get the train to London, but B offered to chauffeur me to Cambridge, as the ladies are not keen to do central London trips just yet. They were delighted with what was on offer, so have plans to return with their families to visit Duxford and the tea room. 

On the way home we collected Amber from the kennels, she was delighted to see us. A most enjoyable trip, the first independent one in the last 18 months. 

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