Another good day
I started late, no idea what made me sleep until 7.30. Not my usual wake up time. Breakfast in bed, chatting with my daughter and talking with a friend on the phone. Then, while Don explored the Oregon Dunes Area with Maggie, I managed to prepare enough yellow plums to fill five big jars with compote. As I still had about 140 plums after having given away enough plums to four neighbors and four friends to make a nice plum cake with them ( I delivered a very tasty recipe for the cake with the plums) I froze some and the rest became compote.
After lunch we watched the last two episodes of the new Netflix series The Chair which we both enjoyed.
Our real ‘Workout’ was the effort to salvage our compost. I had noticed that nothing happened in that big black container. There should have been such a big amount of nice soft rich soil in the box after more than a year, but when we opened the box, we noticed that there hadn’t been enough water for that process. It was dry from bottom to top and some plants had invaded the box with a million of roots. The hundreds of worms that were in there in winter 19/20 were gone or dead. So we rearranged whatever could be used and added many layers of fresh material, bought potting mix , compost enriched, lots of water and covered it lightly with a black tarp. This has to be monitored closely over the next months.
Then we picked up some clippings - we had yesterday thinned out one plum tree - and brought them to our big compost pile. I noticed how many plants in our yard are a memory of other yards that I had throughout my life. After dinner we had a nice time in the hot tub while the sun went down. We had to find our way back to the house with a flashlight. The Lily was right next to the path to our entry door
And as her glory will disappear pretty soon, I thought , I will give her one more opportunity to „shine“.
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