Yet another manky old tennis ball

Managed to get two decent length walks this morning before it started to rain. Found this horrible dirty, stinky, old tennis ball on my second morning walk. Carried it all the way home and put it into my toy basket with all my clean 'manky old tennis balls', that Ann had washed for me on Thursday.

When Ann came home this afternoon, (after doing a 'Meet & Greet'), she took me for a little trek around the streets. We both got very wet cos the rain was absolutely chucking it down.

Ann's friend, Susi, came round for dinner tonight. The humans had dinner and a lot of wine and then Susi started throwing all my clean 'manky old tennis balls' all over the place.  Honestly?!  The things humans do when they're drunk??!!

...................I'm just happy that I've got 'manky old tennis ball No. 23 to add to my toy basket.


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