
Hi Everyone,

I have been trying to prepare for my daughter coming, although I don’t know if and or when that might be… anyway I have sorted her bedroom which was full of my junk as she’s not lived here since 2005… She sadly smokes so I have also sorted the smoking area outside, more is needed to be done but hopefully the weather will be a bit nicer in the next few days and I can complete that.

There was a visit to the supermarket which I spent so much… trying to get some bits and bobs for her and plenty of food so I can do some cooking for the freezer… which I have started.
Knowing my daughter, I am sure she will be quite emotional so having things more organized will hopefully make things a little easier… I will also have to hold myself in check as I do tend to lecture.

I need to finish off next weeks video first thing tomorrow before the broadband switchover on Monday. 

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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