River of Flowers

By doffy

Saturday: “James Grieve” Eating Apples

It rained for most of the day, very mild and no wind so not too bad.
Chatted on the phone with our T and our older granddaughter this morning, then a nice chat this afternoon with our daughter and Cousin Idris.
I’ve booked 2 tables at the next Tables Top Sale and sorted through a few more of my craft magazines, they went well at the recent sale with my fellow crafting friend taking the leftovers to pass on to other friends!
Rain finally blew over late afternoon and I had a bit of a walk around the garden. The “James Grieve” apples look very good, the tree needs pruning though - another job to add to the very long list … when the sun comes out! :-)
Another candidate for pruning is the Black-leaved Elderflower, it’s full of fruit  - I’m waiting for the birds to show me they’re ripe by eating them! I fancy making compote with the elderberries, so many fruit and I hardly ever use them.
Happy Weekend everyone x
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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