
By Hillyblips

Downy Duckling Days

Small, tiny, fluffy balls of cuteness!!!! The first goslings this year at Slimbridge and the first ones I have seen around!

'Keep clear!' Mum was saying and kept getting between us as she rushed the two baby Nene geese past me on today's freezing cold afternoon. What a welcome to the world - it is now supposed to be spring but somebody should have told mother nature that! I do feel that they might be appearing on Springwatch for the BBC shortly looking at this picture. They get them young! Even Mum and Dad are cute: quite small, beautifully coloured and very dinky beaks - you can't but help loving them!

There used to be 25,000 of these in Hawaii in 1778 when Captain Cooke arrived
but by 1952 there were only 30 through predation and hunting. Sir Peter Scott was instrumental in breeding them in captivity in the 1950's for eventual release back to Hawaii, and they are now at every WWT.

Sitting in the car was Tilly, our westie, waiting for her appointment at the Stroud Eye Clinic for her 'dry eye' examination - she isn't insured and just the consultation cost was staggering even without the medication; she will have to go back in 2 months. Tilly is only 3 and she will have this for the rest of her life! Got Hubs trawling the internet for some super duper eye drops to buy online but that is only a small part of this!

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