A Golden Hour Change

I've changed my shot. So sue me. ;-)

The weather changed drastically and we took ourselves out for a walk around the village - which happened to include a brief (ok, not brief) stop at the pub. Passing Park Farm at Golden Hour it was impossible not to admire the scene. Almost has a feel of the old GWR Railway Posters to it.

So the original shot - a try at focus stacking that hasn't been entirely successful. When I mowed the grass yesterday I lifted out these two potentially edible (all mushrooms can be eaten once) mushrooms. This is a five point focus stack, but I missed the tip of the left 'shroom which makes for an odd look. - is moved to extra...

You may condemn, by all means. But in a year's time I'll look back at this one and not the mushrooms... I blame Uley Bitter.

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