Groggy but awake

Which is a relief.
Am waiting for Post op painkillers, round 1 to kick in as I am in pain.
But I can tell you its not the usual pain, which sounds daft but it means there's hope, because after the last op, the usual pain was there straight away.

I feel quite upbeat.

No post op nausea. Have just had my first cup of tea.

Haven't seen the surgeon as I was late back to the ward, but I am assured it all went well. They have managed it by keyhole, so that's excellent.

I have been treated with nothing but kindness and lots of humour today. And no-one has told me off for using my phone...everyone is doing it!

Surgery finished at 4.45 I believe. Blipped by 8.40pm. Go me!

Thanks all for kindness, support and your overwhelming response to yesterday.


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