Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Green Metallic Sweat Bee

No secret that I am smitten with insects and that bees and wasps hold an especially fond spot in my heart.  I know that many people (my Hubs among them) associate wasps and bees with being stung, sometimes very painfully and, for some people, with severe allergic reactions.  As for me, I've only been stung a few times and only by one particularly mean species of wasp.  Otherwise, I lurk with impunity among them as they go about their business.  

Today's offering is a small sweat bee called Pure Green Sweat Bee (Augochlora pura) in the halictid family.  They look very similar to several other species of sweat bees but are the only species that sometimes appears bronze-orange.  I have been trying to get a decent shot of one for some time and today was the day.  I am going to post another shot of the same individual in Extra so you can see how it looks different in different light).  They are good tempered little things and won't sting humans unless you disrupt their nest which is usually under some bark on a tree or rotted log. 

I met up with some friends this morning for a walk but ended up bailing after only an hour and a half- it was just one of those days where my energy was in the loo.  I came home, ate some toast and then slept for 2 hours.  Feeling fine now but annoyed that I missed the rest of the walk.  

While I was napping, the Feeder Bandits apparently came for a visit, making off with two feeders - again.  I know it is raccoons because of the lack of any damage to shepherds crooks.  And it irks me to no end because I've yet to catch them in the act even though the  assaults have occurred in broad daylight.  And, of course, my critter cam was elsewhere, recording some wild turkeys, a squirrel and a fox.  

Dark with espresso beans today.  And no news for me today.  


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