
A beautiful sunny morning, and then clouded over in the afternoon.  Rain is due later this evening. 

A morning around the caravan.  Got washing done, and enjoyed some sunshine, with a cuppa or two.  We headed down to Stornoway before noon, and enjoyed exploring.  A walk up to the castle too.  After lunch, we headed out east, a quick look at the airport and caught a jet landing, and then out as far as Tiumpan Head lighthouse.  Off out for a meal at the Royal Hotel this evening. 

Fine to explore the town, and felt like a busy place.  I felt myself comparing it to Lerwick, and does have some similarities, the old town, then the post war houses in crescents, with larger council houses from 1970s era, and then more modern suburbs.  It beats Lerwick in many ways, much greener, with more park space and loving all the trees, and then there is far more public art, with sculptures and murals.  Less fishing boats and small boats, which some of ours are ridiculously big.  Looking across the harbour, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis.  

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