
Back to agility with Nigel! And it went all pear shaped! He’d been so good the previous times! Not today! It had been raining, so the trainer said it was harder for him because of the smells being a lot stronger than usual! Well, all of a sudden he just went! Underneath a gate, through a fence and straight into a paddock with two horses and a rabbit! Party time! Not for the horses who were very nervous and skittish, not for the rabbit who saw its own life whizzing in front of him in a jiffy. Definitely for Nigel, who loves horses and bigger animals! And he loves a rabbit too! It took about ten minutes of calling and various offerings of food, including his favourite biscuits which he totally ignored, before we could get him back! 
Well, at least he was tired after all that running and he slept well in the night! 

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