Tree feller required !!

I caught the Metro to Newcastle this morning to renew my Metro pass.
I could have done it at the station near my house but I wouldn't have a clue what to do on the machine.
It was safer going to town where there's staff to deal with problems 
(i.e dopey OAP's)
They've closed all the offices in the stations.
Once sorted I was passing the travel agents so popped in to say Hello to Ian who booked my holiday to New Orleans a few years ago.
Chatted for ages and left. I was going to look for a new tablet but decided against it.Couldn't cope with anymore stress.
Caught the bus home and it passed this house in Jesmond (posh place)
Can you imagine living next door to that ????
They'll save on window cleaners !!!
It looks as if some branches have been chopped back as they must have been growing over the pavement.
Bet the inside is beautiful !!!

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