Anger Translator

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

Another surreal day in this weird lockdown.

I mean. I don't want to overstate it because I am well aware of the shit you have all been through and are still going through outside of NZ. 

But here, things have been normal for so long. And this lockdown came out of NOWHERE. Bang. Full lockdown.

I don't disapprove. But I find that most people I speak to are treating it more like the PM just gave us a week off for being good. 

Meanwhile, I got loads of bizarro texts from my sister last night, who has apparently been exposed to the right-wing lie machine in the UK* and thinks that:

- Jacinda smokes crack
- Jacinda is a communist, in league with China
- Jacinda is using the fact that someone died of COVID** in NZ as an excuse to exercise fascistic state control

To be fair to her, she didn't say she believes any of this, it was more like, "Is it true that...?" But we all know Farage is behind this. 

I tried to put her right, but honestly I don't blame her. I can't even imagine what the UK papers are saying about this right now. 

As for Jacinda, whether I agree with her or not*** she is bloody awesome in a press conference. Today she announced the lockdown would continue for another 3 days and she was so polite and clear and professional I was once again overwhelmed with gratitude that we have her as PM. 

And she's good with the critics. One press bloke basically kept harping on the same point. That her senior medical advisor, Dr. Ashley Bloomfield disagrees with her. 

"Nothing has been said to indicate that, Jason." She replied, tersely. 


Said Caro, next to me on the couch. 

Caro reminds me of Luther, Barack Obama's Anger Translator from Key and Peele. She would be great at that job. 

Today's blip is of the "emergency supplies" I risked my life to get for Caro. 


* All of the press and all of the tv.
** I know they haven't. This is what I'm saying.
*** Full disclosure: I tend to agree. 

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