
By cowgirl

Bring me sunshine …

We used that song at my dads funeral as he was a big fan of Morecambe and Wise.

Baz was right, best not to face the town, but as the statue of Eric does, I had no choice!

Now for a T-shirt story - we were given a special H.O.N. ( House of Noise is the top tier of the Patreon subscriptions ), designed by the lead guitarist …

The day before the bbq, as he was folding them up to put in a box, he realised with a sinking heart that there was a spelling mistake …. The first word. The first word of the band’s name, in fact!!!

So, we are all now members of the Masive Wagons secret society!

Poor guy got stick from the band but lots of love from the fans! He had ordered some badges with the missing ‘s’ on them but they hadn’t arrived in time. One day these T-shirt’s will be collectors items!

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