No more manky old tennis balls?!!

Do you want to know what Ann did first thing this morning?.................... She picked up my toy basket and emptied all the contents onto the floor. I was a bit angry!! She didn't even ask me if she could do that. She just did it. For more than 2 years she's been telling me that my toy basket is my responsibility. I have to keep it tidy and I have to make sure all my toys go back in there at the end of every day. ….............And then she goes and empties everything out?! I was so angry I started throwing all my toys around and playing with them. And no, I didn't bother putting them back into my toy basket. I was very cross!!!

Guess what Ann did?...................... She started picking up every single one of my 'manky old tennis balls' that I've found on my walks. And then she started chucking them into the washing machine.

She said, 'Trixie, if you insist on keeping all these manky old tennis balls they need to be washed so that they don't stink the whole flat out.'

I've got 22 manky old tennis balls. …..............Well I did have until Ann washed them. They were the dirtiest, stinkiest, manky old tennis balls ever.

…..................Now they're lovely and clean and I'm allowed to keep them all. Yay!!!

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