
By Mindseye

Night lights

Awake early…didn’t sleep too badly, went down to make a brew, took it back to bed as it was only just 7….. hoped I might have got another hour or so but didn’t.

Showered and dressed, first job after breakfast was to clean the main bathroom.
Bleached loo, sprayed and wiped down all
surfaces, tiles etc, washed bath round, hardly gets used these days!

Lunch was is Egg bacon & tomato’s with brown toast.

Spent the afternoon making phone calls, managed to secure refund from P&O for the last cruise we booked for 3/1/21, was
cancelled obviously. Spoke to NS&I, no joy, require Probate! Started filling out the initial forms online….. going toncost £220, so pee’d off, everything has been sorted now, none of the other financial institutions has wanted probate, except NS&I…will take at least another 2 months !!!! Funny how it’s a government run scheme…….and fees paid go to the government, don’t you think?! I’ve
written to Martin Lewis, the Money Expert, at least it made me feel better lol

Spoke to all 3 of ours today at one point or another…… they are all doing ok. Had a late dinner, Chinese marinated pork fillet with some home made special fried rice :-)

The evening just disappeared, had the new garden lights on…… took this from the fourth bedroom, thought it looked rather nice. The grass is still patchy but all the rain is having the desired effect, will need cutting again at weekend, if it ever stops raining!!

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