Sick day 4

3years 150days

I kept Katie home from nursery after her coming back early yesterday. We had a gentle day just pottering about. She was actually quite well in herself, but coughing a lot and with a bit of fever still. This temperature has been the problem.

At lunchtime we headed to town, with her snuggled on my back. I thought she might have a sleep but she stayed awake, chatting away. We went to collect my dress for my birthday party (which I hate, but thats another story) and she was very excited, dancing around in the dressing room. In between coughing bouts. She asked to go for a babyccino which she polished off quickly. We did a spot of shopping before we came home.

When we got home, she seemed to refind her appetite. She asked for circle pastas (sketti hoops) which she ate an entire tin of. She asked for ice cream which she polished of completely. She asked for a choc ice. She then fell asleep at 6.15! She was a bit restless through the evening until I went and lay with her about 10pm, cuddled up in her bed

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