Sea Urchin

By seaurchin

Mrs Grumpy Chops

I don't really like this image and yet it perfectly matches how I am feeling. It's taken with my iphone too which always leaves me feeling lazy and a little flat. I haven't been feeling well again which is probably why I was grumpy on this walk with Nick and Murron. We went to Byre's Hill and they climbed up the monument. I flatly refused to join them and stomped about in the cold below with Doggo. I ignored their cheery 'hellos' from the top and ignored their happy waves as they emerged from the tower. I scowled as Nick tried to hold my hand and then kept them firmly in my pockets for the rest of the walk. On a particularly steep descent I could have done with Nick's steadying arm but I was too proud to ask. Truth be told I made myself feel a hundred times worse by being so stubborn and unfriendly. Could I admit that to Nick?


iphone image

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