Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

The frustration of working in a ..........

digital age.

Meet Heger, a young lady in Tunisia that I am coaching in project management. Heger and I have only ever and will only ever deal with each other over the phone or via an online chat system as you see in the picture.

We will never get a chance to meet. I don't even know what Heger looks like as the little thumbnail image that is included in the online chat system
is too small to properly make out, but she comes across as a very smart and articulate young lady.

This is nothing new. I have been in my current team for 18 months now and have only met 4 of the other 8 that make up that team and we are all based in the UK!

It is an issue on a personal level, but just as importantly on a professional level. With the best will in the world, you cannot achieve as much working with people remotely. Oh how I yearn for the good old days of being co-located in an office, or if not, being allowed to travel to collaborate with my colleagues.

Took delivery of my Canon lenses today. All I need now is a Canon camera, but that should be sorted by the weekend. Looking forward to playing with my new toy :-)

Oh well, must go ..... I have a conference call with a bunch of strangers who I have been working with for 18 months :-)

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