
By helenann

Myrtle from Osborne House

Today I returned from my Mother's house. Earlier,  my sister and I had had a useful talk with her about various matters regarding  her welfare, before her GP called to check her over and  answer some questions  we had, including how often we can expect a GP to see her. Answer: annually. However, no GP had seen her for nearly two and a half years until today, and that was only at our instigation!  Anyway, she seems in good health for a ninety year old, as we hoped and thought.   

On my return home I found my little Myrtle (Myrtus communis )plant was starting to flower. I bought it at Queen Victoria's summer residence,  Osborne House, some  years ago. It was propagated from Myrtle  bushes grown  from sprigs in a posy given to  Queen Victoria by her mother in law. (I expect they both liked its fragrant foliage and pretty flowers) Her eldest daughter, Princess Victoria, and subsequent British royal brides have included sprigs from the Osborne plants in their wedding bouquets.  
Myrtus communis is native to North Africa,  Southern Europe and Asia, but is closely to related to the South American Luma apiculata,  
Chilean Myrtle ,I blipped recently.

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