Phew! I know why I'm not a fan of gladioli
You can't do a thing with them, they have minds of their own. I have never felt so frustrated trying to place some cut gladioli stems in a jug so that they look "nice". This bloom felt off during the process. I placed it on the kitchen windowsill as it was too pretty to throw out, then thought it might be suitable for today's blip. Snapped this way, that way, & the other, I settled for this one. Blip snapping can be very time consuming. I'd already spent some time snapping mini wildlife (black bean aphid, Cabbage White caterpillars munching away on nasturtiums, ladybird guarding the corn on the cob, plus a hairy gherkin) on my plot earlier. A very productive morning .. First job feed Bobby ... breadcrumbs plus Robin mix .. he's got a great life on Plot 29B. Runner beans, French beans, gherkins, beetroot, carrots, peas, broad beans, potatoes, & corn on the cob. Raspberries & blueberries. I fed & watered everything including the sale plants. Next job while waiting for the water trough to fill, top up the bark chippings on my paths. A large mound delivered to the site is gradually disappearing so I was filling a couple of buckets to ferry to & fro. I've lent my wheelbarrow to a friend doing some building work .. typical!! The exercise won't do me any harm though. :-D
I donned my double layer walking trousers & double thickness gardening gloves then cut down the stinging nettles, adding them to my composter. . The brambles chopped back, the young field maple growth had a trim in the hedge avoiding the nicely ripening blackberries. Shirley gave me 4 gladioli stems, I cut the 2 stems on my plot, then carried everything home.
Dealt with the gladioli .. grh!! Then it was lunch time ...
The pharmacy was closed again yesterday due to there not being a pharmacist on duty. ??? Fortunately open today so I picked up my prescription. Suddenly realised I needed to get a birthday card off to Barbados post haste so nipped in the Post Office, bought 4 birthday cards plus stamps for first class overseas. On my list of 'To Do' for today was check Mum's bank balance at the hole in the wall. I could'nt remember whether "we" had transferred funds from her savings account into her current a/c, & I was'nt sure if she would remember either so I used the ATM for a bank balance .. Got the printout ... forgot to take the card out of the machine, by the time I realised, possible a minute, turned around to retrieve it, it had been swallowed up. ARGH!!! SO on arriving at Mum's I rang the bank where a very nice man was able to help us. I had the phone, passed to Mum to verify, back to me, back to Mum ... "I think this will be a 3 way conversation". It was indeed, but very quickly dealt with. A new card, same pin should be with Mum by next Monday. Ideal! We then sat outside in the sunshine and enjoyed a slice of carrot cake with our coffees. It was then that I had my Eureka! moment. One of the roses I left with Mum when we went on our Senior walkabout has disappeared from her garden, I could'nt for the life of me remember it's name. Rosa x odorata 'Mutabilis' came to me as I sat looking across to where it was planted 20 years ago. Such a pretty rose, I need to find a replacement.
Hubby took 3 bundles of runner beans for his pub buddies. :-D I podded the peas for the freezer. Did'nt get around to preparing my gherkins for pickling that will be on the top of tomorrow mornings 'To Do' list.
Buffalo wings, new potatoes, corn on the cob, & French beans tonight at Chez 81.
I watched a fascinating couple of programmes last evening on catch up. 'Living Wild - How to Change Your Life' Channel 4. I could do that. :-D
Thanks to HOtamer for hosting Tiny Tuesday.
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