Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Several of our 5 or10 a day...

...along with our ploughman's lunch...

A very early start - for us - to get Roy to the hairdresser by 9am. Phew!

Called in to the deli, butcher, veg shop and WHS in Denby Dale to top up shopping on our way back - hence the pork pie and Scotch egg as the basis for our lunch ;) As I said last week - such a different shopping experience - actually talking to the people in the shop rather than dashing round with a trolley pulling things off shelves...

This afternoon we both had a little snooze - but the weather was pants so it didn't really matter

The extra is from our stroll last night - the geese on the res were making a proper racket, and we had a good long chat with a couple of the neighbours on our way across the dam. 

And another track from the 2Cellos

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