michigan man

By outdoorguy

A 6-spot of the Dune Jumper

Our family reunion on my wife Lisa's side is held in Reed City, Mi. at her cousin Billy's house. He has a huge log cabin set on about 120 acres.

Perhaps a hundred yards beyond the house is his pond. He digs up the sand to use in his excavating business, and rain water fills it up. So, he generally has 3-4 huge piles of sand, and some "cliffs" that Merrick likes to jump off. It is great fun.

In his area, he has poor internet connections, so I didn't even take my computer...making this a back blip.

We are home now (Monday night), and I have many pictures to go through. 

P.S. Look at that blue sky. It was an almost perfect 3 day trip. 75-80 degrees (F) in temperature. Hot enough for Merrick to spend a LOT of time in the water.

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