The new hood

Those who follow me know that this weekend we moved into our new residence - a house we are renting for a year in DC until we figure out what we want to do when we grow up...

Call it a "vacation" from our suburban home; a place where we can have fun without the hassle of a car or a commute, a neighborhood where the houses are actually close enough that you can see other human beings...

So far, so good. I've met a bunch of people, sampled the fare at nearby restaurants (including a divine fish/seafood place), and even bought myself one of those grocery carts that looks like a wheelie suitcase as I can now walk to the store. My husband thinks I've gone off the deep end.

I'll throw in some occasional shots of the hood over the next year. So let's start at the begining: this one is looking out of our driveway to the main road. Hang a left and a scant mile or so further is the hustle and bustle of DC. A couple of metro stops further and wham! museums, monuments and tourists galore. Yeah: I'm going to like this :)

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