Da Auld Man o Storr

Some showers this morning, but cleared away, and left a mostly cloudy day.  

Up early, and headed out after breakfast.  Change of plans, due to the rain, and headed west.  First stop was to see Dunvegan Castle and gardens, then back to the campsite for lunch.  A hike in the afternoon, along with a drive around the north coast, stopping off sightseeing.  A beautiful meal in the Edinbane Inn this evening, highly recommended.  Some grocery shopping, and then a quiet night in the caravan. 

The more I see of Skye, the more I love it, and today's hike was certainly worth the effort.  We set off, but dad couldn't quite make the top, so Brian stayed with him.  I powered ahead, with mam following behind.  I made it slightly higher as mam, and got the great views of the rugged hillside.  The Old Man of Storr is the highest centre right, and he stands at about 160ft.  It sure has a magical feel there, and must have some good folklore stories.  Looking down in the Old Man of Storr, Isle of Skye.  

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