The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Younger Model

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I went up the hill today and bumped into Lina and her dog, Christmas. Lina is in her seventies and is wonderfully eccentric (hence Christmas’s name).

The last time I saw Lina up there, she was wearing a mask and avoiding being anywhere near people as she was due to go into hospital. I offered to walk Christmas but she assured me that it was just a day procedure.

I asked how she was doing…

Lina: “I’m glad to be able to get out again”

Me: “Oh yeah, you were isolating because you had a hospital appointment.”

Lina: “Yes, I had a mastectomy last week”

WTF? A day procedure???

Lina assured me that it’s absolutely fine and not nearly as bad as one might imagine. Not in a trying to pretend it’s all ok kind of way, but completely genuinely.


Lina: “I have these exercises to do. You won’t remember but back in the day, we all used to go (lifts elbows to shoulder height moving them forward and backwards) I must, I must, I must increase my bust’”

Me: “If you are offered a reconstruction, you could have 20 year old boobs”

Lina: “I would get MASSIVE ones. My whole life, I have had 2 peas. They would be out to here (stretches out arms) so if you notice anything different about me…


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