Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


I’m back down in Sussex to pay a flying-ish visit to Ma Booknerd! It’s so good to see her again and to spend some time shooting the breeze down at the beach, as well as generally just hanging out together. I wish we could do it more often - but even visits every couple of months are a huge improvement on that pre-vaccine lockdown period when we couldn’t see each other at all.

For the avoidance of doubt, she’s the cool one in the shades.

On another note, I was really upset today to hear that the great Texan singer/songwriter Nanci Griffith has died, aged just 68. I saw her play live a couple of times and she was great. A terrific anecdotalist as well as a great lyricist. And something of an activist too. She’ll be missed. Here’s ‘It’s a Hard Life Wherever You Go’ - still as horribly relevant today as it was back in 1989.

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