The next day...

By Spiderboy


Had nothing planned today so on day Six of Richards Retirement ( don't worry - this number counting won't continue for long !) we had our breakfast in nice weather outside....bacon on French bread with BROWN sauce, of course.....then saw there was a Steam Fair happening locally so went for a look round.
All the usually sights were there with any event like this, but the only thing I was tempted to buy was a Riley Classic Car....don't know the model but it was old and a shiny black. Luckily for all was not for sale!!!
Lots of steam things and actually felt nice being at an event like this again. We stopped for a drink in a "Midsommer Murdsers " style pub garden in the village....but left before anyone was bumped off ! ( I am laughing at my own jokes here )
Back to do some gardening....Sun has come out and its very hot.

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