
By LifeBeginsAt22

Look who's back! x

Buddies (left!) also turned 22 yesterday and for the first time in 3 years came out of the cupboard and into my bed...

I saw my now ex boyfriend today to try and get some sense out of what has happened the past 4 days. We went from planning to view a house on Saturday together to me moving in with my Mummy alone. After 3 years, we both decided we want different things and need to move on in separate directions... It's going to take me a long time to get over my first love and I'm not looking forward to this rollercoaster of emotions ahead but I know I'll be ok... I have my Mummy back

However... Buddies is happy he's back, in his new bed and accompanied by his new girlfriend (thanks Step Daddy!)

Emily XxX

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