Rest stop
This is my 'rest stop' on the way home - Longniddry Bents (dunes, for the non-Scots). I don't mean it's where I go for a wee, you understand, though should that be required there are conveniences for anyone caught short on the drive between Cockenzie and Aberlady. No, for me it is that breather between madness and home. The place I go to shed whatever iniquities have been heaped on me by time in the big city. When I lived in London the Tube (underground) fulfilled this role: 20 minutes reading a book while squished in someone's sweaty armpit, perfect for putting the workday behind you ready to emerge reborn as 'home person' all relaxed and smiley.
Today my day was spent in Edinburgh, ferrying Conor between health appointments that had, quite magically, been scheduled for the same day. So, it turns out that he may have glue ear... or not. He's apparently sitting on the glue ear fence and is 'glue-ish'.
On the allergy front we tried him with some skin prick tests to see if he's ready yet to extend his diet beyond Oatibix and Wotsits. He was quite happy with having a noughts and crosses board drawn on his forearm, found the little drops of allergen being put on his arm 'tickly' but made his views on having needles stuck in said drops of allergen quite plain. With his feet, and nails, and fists, and with many tears. I tried bribing him with easter eggs (2), sweeties, toys, a new bike, more camping (strange boy), but nothing was working. So we are no further forward on that front.
That, combined with the apparent ban on indicator use in Edinburgh today (no-one told me) and a series of bikes trying to throw themselves under the car, made for a more stressful day than I'd anticipated. Hence the stop at Longniddry. And a later stop at the shop over the road for a wild frenzy of chocolate buying.
I'm fine now.
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