Life In Wales

By KarenC

Happy Valley

I dropped Bobbie off at the vets at 8.30pm and after breakfast I took the girls to the Llandudno Ski Centre where we met Clare & Mike with Lara - they'd booked for the girls to go tubing on the ski slope.  It's years since I've been up there, and had forgotten how good it was - you can ski, and also there's a toboggan run as well as the tubing. 

The girls had a 30 minute session on the slope and they had a great time - they started off going down individually and by the end, the three of them were going down together.  Sadly it all ended in tears when Violet got stung by a bee!  Somehow it had got trapped in the sleeve of her hoodie, but it was only a baby bee, so at least it wasn't much of a sting, although you'd have thought it was much worse as she was in quite a state crying - they both have quite a fear of bees and wasps.  Luckily it happened at the end of the tubing session and we were heading back to Clare's for lunch so we were able to put some sting relief on it and the swelling went down in no time.

We had a nice afternoon at Clare's and when I called the vets they told me I could pick Bobbie up about 4.30pm.  The vet said his ear had cleaned up nicely and he just has to have antibiotic drops for the next 7 days, and after a rather extortionate bill, we left and took him for a walk.  He seems very nervous of everything and quite jumpy which is unlike him, so goodness knows what he's been through poor boy, and tonight when we tried to put the drops down his ear he growled at us and wouldn't let us put them in.  Not sure how we're going to manage this, but we decided to leave him be tonight and try again tomorrow!

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