Foxton Locks

Lovely day out for the five of us today.
Walked round Foxton village and along the towpath to the basin at the bottom of the ten-lock ladder.
Off to Kibworth then home for lunch before the boys went to play golf.
One daughter had a nap and other daughter and I went to a garden centre.
When the golfers returned in the early evening, we enjoyed a Chinese takeaway. So yum.

My mum and dad finally met their first great grandchild today.
As our gorgeous grandson and his mummy and daddy live in London, and my parents live in Fife Scotland, and mum being in a care home (still with visiting restrictions) it’s been no mean feat to get them altogether.
But today was the day when they finally met and enjoyed cuddles and smiles.
So very pleased and happy for them all. It means a huge amount to my mum and dad.

A good day :)

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