Country File

By marypot

Life in black and white

This is actually a colour photograph.
I feel like I'm living in the opening scenes of The Wizard of Oz, waiting for glorious technicolor to be reinstated (though preferably not via a tornado). No end to the cold, Wintery weather in sight. The park here has been largely abandoned. Even the kids are fed up and gave up sledging weeks ago.

Despite the grey it was a good day. Baked and iced a few chocolate cupcakes this morning; went to get Arwen weighed (she's still dropping slightly and her circulation into hands and feet not great, so still have to go back every fortnight or so for now); had cuppa and sweet treats at a friend's house; play date for the girls after school. I had an hour or two free this afternoon and cleaned up and prepped tea. Daft really as should have rested. However, I'm off to bed in a minute to try and get in a better night's sleep. I hope Arwen behaves!!!
78/365 completed!

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