
After doing my grocery pick-up at QFC, I headed out to Safeway to buy produce with my Fresh Bucks before the heat starts.  I was able to buy more than $50 of fruits and vegetables for $7.  With the few other things I purchased, my total came to $16.  And I still have $30 worth of Bucks to use before the end of August.  This is such a great program, and I hope I'll win the lottery and get renewed for 2022.  This Maidenhair fern I saw in the Safeway floral section seemed ideal for Tiny Tuesday.

Tomorrow I'll go to send back all my Amazon returns and take a chance on going to Office Depot because my printer is insisting it needs new cartridges before it will work again.  I normally avoid Office Depot because their parking lot has an strong upward slope to the store entrance.  But there is no other office supply store anywhere nearby now that the big chains have merged.

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