Shona J

By Iana

Ice Cream...

After work I decided to go for a wee drive, I have not done that in a while & it was so lovely, so beautiful & sunny. Did me the world of good, the only downer was the battery ran out of my big camera, but if that's the worst thing that can happen I can live with that. I ended up in Lochmaben & decided to have a double nougat ice cream, yuummmm. I eat it looking out to one of the lochs at Lochmaben watching the ducks & swans.

I heard 2 police siren screaming past on the main road. Once I finished my ice cream I headed home to find the road up ahead blocked there had been an accident on a bad corner on the road, I could see at least 1 ambulance & 2 police cars. I do hope that everyone is ok.

Quite a few of the drivers in the queue were turning there cars around & went a different route back to Dumfries. There was 5 of us in a convoy (I was third) on the back roads back to Dumfries & it was one of the best driving experiences I have had. All 5 of us were driving at a safe distance from each other, we all responded to each others braking in good time, we all matched each others speed perfectly & all the drivers were so courteous of each other. If only everyone on the roads drove like this it would be so much safer & a lot more enjoyable.

Shona :0)x

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