
By 58jc

Resting place

I visited No.2 today who had requested a day together. I was worried that he had ‘news’ or a ‘confession’ but he just wanted me to see his studio and spend time together. His visits home are frenetic and rushed so it was lovely to have some time to walk and talk (no shocks, just time together). We walked along the Lea River which is a lovely quiet backwater just off the main A12 and then skirted around Bow up towards Mile End. We then walked through Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park which was very strange, a burial ground just left overgrown and back to nature with paths running through it. No attempt to tidy
It up but just for nature to take over. Surprisingly serene after the bustle of the main road although I felt sad for those poor forgotten souls buried beneath.

He had arranged a flat viewing which I saw with him - not bad but you don’t get a lot for your money. London life is very expensive!

It was good to spend time together but I am always happy to get back to the green fields after time in the City.

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