Trial run

I was off work today as part of a new regime and so arranged a house viewing of the place I drove by to check out on Saturday and then I decided to have a go at trying to put the tent up. There isn’t space at home so I headed out to find a quiet spot. In complete contrast to yesterday’s trip to Keswick, I didn’t see a soul and could have happily moved in and stayed! I packed up and went for a walk up Swindale and then headed home in time for a swim with my friend when she’d finished work (extra).
We are devastated to learn that there will be new parking restrictions in place which will put paid to our swim spot from next week. We’re both feeling really down about it as it has been an essential part of keeping us sane throughout it all.
Ironic too as we had been planning a barbecue for our colleague who went off sick/burnout in February and won’t be coming back by the looks of it.

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