I’m watching you

An eventful day!!!  This cat sat on the fence watching Amber when we were out walking this evening. 

We planned to attend the U3A table tennis this afternoon for the first time, B to play and me to watch. But as we were waiting for the delivery of a new kettle which hadn’t arrived, I stayed at home to wait for it. The old kettle tripped the socket circuit yesterday afternoon, so needed replacing.

B went to the session which was eventful to say the least. One of the gentlemen fell whilst playing and injured his hip, requiring an ambulance. 

The wait time was advised as being 6 hrs, a very long time for an 80+ yr old to be lying on the wooden floor in the village hall.

I spoke to a friend whilst out walking Amber this evening and the update on the casualty was that he was still waiting after 4 hrs. I don’t know the gentleman or if he had any other health issues that might complicate the situation. 

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