Kitchen utensils
Caught up on yesterdays lack of sleep, breakfast, pegged out the first load of laundry, then up to the plot. I picked French beans, runner beans, broad beans, courgettes, beetroot, carrots, & chipples, plus the meager raspberry crop, 4 in total. Forgot to pick the blueberries. A critter of some description has nibbled the tips of my sweetcorn, so I need to establish what it is, & how to prevent any further damage to the crop. Lifted a Marfona hulm from my original block of spuds. They are better than the first patch lifted. It's all a learning curve. I spotted 3 gert big gherkins. Ops! Missed them. Very healthy plants, lots of flower but not many gherkins. Be lucky to fill a jar.
Back home, second load of laundry in the machine, then a very heavy shower, first load soaking wet again. Got most of it dry by late afternoon.
Did some housework, then had a faff with the camera after spotting the madeleine tins on the cake rack that I used yesterday. Thought cooking utensils might make the composition more interesting so added the sieve & citrus squeezer, all used in the making of the blueberry & orange muffins yesterday. I topped them with an orange drizzle. Sampled today and very tasty ... need to buy some proper muffin forms. Silicone seems to be the way to go.
Did the crosswords in the Saturday & Sunday newspapers after lunch then had a tidy up in the garden.
Sorted all the veggies from the plot. Bumper crops of French & runner beans.
Cooking utensils - I took the original image on the high key setting then converted to mono & tweaked in Picasa. Not sure if it fits the brief though.
Thanks to carolina for hosting Mono Monday this month.
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