A Spectacle For The Eyes, London

I've now decided that if it's pissing it down with rain on the way to or from work then I'm going to resort to using the underground. I'm fed up of getting soaked and either having to dry out very slowly in my studio or sit very damply on the train home. Today, both on the way into work and on the way home it was yet again pouring with rain so I decided the underground was my option both times. Unluckily, on the way to the tube station this evening I stepped in a massive puddle and was left with two very damp feet anyway!
The boss in now supposedly away for two weeks but still wanted to have a Teams meeting! This, of course, didn't happen and is not set for tomorrow instead. If I'm on holiday I don't even want to think about work let alone set up a meeting online.
Today's shot was taken on a quick lunchtime walk round Soho.  Amazingly, it was actually dry. I hope the weather improves soon.

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