curns' corner

By curns


To the Victoria and Albert museum for a 10am entrance to the Alice in Wonderland exhibition. It’s really well done and throughly recommended. It covers origins, adaptations and reinventions of Alice in Wonderland from the original Lewis Carroll books. The author, renowned for his word play, devised may have devised the book for the real-life Alice Liddell after he let her a Christ College, Oxford.  The exhibition covers Carrolls life, including how he devised his pseudonym

“Charles Lutwidge" translated into Latin as "Carolus Ludovicus". This was then translated back into English as "Carroll Lewis" and then reversed to make "Lewis Carroll"  (Wikpedia)

There are several interactive areas including a virtual reality section where, if you are prepared to wait, you may done VR goggles and enter a wonderland of your own.  I really enjoyed it.

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