
By TBay


Where we sit outside our back door we have a huge clump of Marjoram, now bursting with tiny flowers. This attract an amazing variety of nectar loving insect including the Honey Bees. I sit and gaze in wonder at the different types we get armed with a Bee guide I try to identify what we have. They never seem to stay still for long enough!

The Tbay Jnrs headed home without children as Miss L is bringing them back on Tuesday. They had had the most fantastic holiday at Braelangwell, embracing  all it had to offer. They both enjoyed their fishing but didn’t catch anything.

Mrs Tbay Jnr and the children are off to Rhodes on Wednesday for a holiday . Her sister Miss L, won the holiday just before lockdown and it has taken until now to get a date and the all clear to travel to Rhodes. Her Mum and sister are also going too.

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