One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Cringe 101

As we were climbing up the stairs to our bikes parked above White Rock beach after a very pleasant 20 minute swim, Mrs Raheny remarked that there are hardly any photographs of the two of us together and would I mind taking a selfie with the sea in the background?
It is true, I can't remember the last time I put a selfie of the two of us on Blipfoto, it must be at least... yep... never! 
We won't make a habit of it. But I am always the obliging type. And the kids were just saying this morning how uncool (cringe 101) selfies now are, so I reckon it is safe for us boomers to indulge into a spot of camera held at arm's length and turned toward our sea-salted selves. 

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