Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Not rained off

The day of our church BBQ dawned looking bright and cheerful. The weather forecast said dry from 11.30 in spite of a yellow warning for heavy rain and thunderstorms. We headed to church for 9.30 to meet with the other intrepid setter uppers. We decided it was sensible to only put the folding tables up in the car park in advance as they were definitely water proof and to keep the other tables and chairs inside until nearer the time. The rolls were buttered, the oven turned on, the BBQ lit and we headed into church for the service. At 11.30 when we came out it hadn't rained but the forecast was beginning to look questionable so we took the tables back inside and set them up in the hall.
The regulations change tomorrow, but today eating indoors meant table service, distancing, masks and various other precautions for covid. We did all that and at 12 noon precisely it rained so we were very glad we had made our decision. To my relief all went well. We had burgers and rolls left over as always, but all found homes. There was a lovely atmosphere and people enjoyed the chance to socialise and eat and drink together.
We got home, after all was cleared, by around 2pm and I slept, very relieved that all had gone more or less to plan B!
Nice to see the girls today too. The girls did their first junior park run with Kathryn this morning, 1.2 miles in Inverleith Park. Isobel ran with Kathryn and managed the whole thing. Eilidh meantime ran on her own and completed in 13 minutes, that's much faster than I could do. What a pair. I'd given Isobel my Race at Your Pace medal for last month, she earned it today.
We had a small dinner tonight after our burgers at lunchtime - prawn salad followed by half of the sticky toffee pudding which I bought at the West Linton Market yesterday. It was delicious, we don't eat a lot, so it will do us another day too, but it was two good sized portions with yummy sauce to serve with it. Highly recommended.
Today's blip is one of the roses in my front garden complete with raindrops. It has a lovely scent.
Keep safe everybody, I'm so glad we're not calling it freedom day tomorrow and risking throwing the baby out with the bath water!

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