Messy and independent

Thank you all for your lovely comments stars and heart's for my little ballerina. 

I had a lovely time at my neighbours last night. And then a sleepless night with the Jedi. He had a sore tummy. We both went back to bed before 9am for a nap. 

Food shopping was a nightmare today. People are panic buying because of Brexit and not having enough delivery driver's to stock our shop's. Tesco shelves were empty of pasta and toilet rolls. One woman in Aldi had over 25 bags of sugar and about the same of pasta. I don't understand why shop's don't stop this kind of behaviour. Xander only eats one kind of cheesy pasta, has to be the Aldi make . I normally buy two boxes a week but this week bought three. Another woman picked up around 14 boxes. It blows my mind . 

We managed to catch up with a friend today who we haven't seen since the start of covid. So it was lovely to see her and catch up. The Wildlings all love her and call her auntie. 

The Jedi is now not letting me feed him at dinner time. He couldn't quite scoop his spag bol from a bowl so I had to throw it in a sandwich tub . 

We're hoping to watch a movie when the Wildlings are in bed. I'm having a cheat meal tonight but I've not been great on the wine front this week. So I'm not looking forward to my weight in tomorrow. Oh well . 

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