Welcome Scout

It’s been a whirl wind journey with lots of emotions these past 11 days from finding out about her till her being here at home!
She has had a VERY big day. Her first car journey with all her siblings to the vets, getting all her injections, coming home with me to new surroundings and new people and meeting Jodie.
She has been great. Played and slept and … weed! …. Sometimes even on the training pads!
Jodie wasn’t too sure of her and would run away while Scout would chase her thinking it was part of the game. By the time Jodie left they were starting to get the hang of each other. At least Jodie was starting to get the hang of Scout not being scary!
She has a great howl as we heard while we ate dinner out of her sight! Haha!
We had a good hard play about 10pm after having mopped the floor and played with drying cloth and been washed with a doggy wet wipe. Then as she started to search for a comfy place to curl up I gave her some puppy milk and introduced her to her bed and blanket from her mommy. Her tail wagged lots as she dived into it and played with them for a bit. Then all of a sudden she lay down and that was that….asleep at 10:30pm!
We’ll see how long she sleeps for.

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